====== Azure Core ====== * Azure is composed of a number of different logical elements that have a container-contained relationship. * There is //Azure AD//, which is the top-level construct known as the //tenant.// * There are //management groups// that are contained in the tenant and can contain one or more subscriptions. * There is always the built-in //root management group//, but others can be created to create a hierarchy of management groups that can be six levels deep.' * Subscriptions are a billing unit. * Within subscriptions there can be one or more //resource groups//, which in turn contain the individual resources, like virtual machines. * **Resource Groups** are logical collections of resources that share the same lifecycle. They can also serve as a scope for permissions. ====== Purchasing Methods ====== Ways to buy Azure services. * Direct from Microsoft in the form of a **pay-as-you-go ((MOSP) Microsoft Online Services Program)** plan. * Direct from Microsoft in the form of a **Enterprise Agreement (EA)** * From a **Cloud Service Provider (CSP)** that buys direct from Microsoft. ====== Assorted Things ====== * [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/security/benchmark/azure/overview|Azure Security Benchmark]] * [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/|Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework]] * [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/security/fundamentals/best-practices-and-patterns|Azure security best practices and patterns]]