======Linux Process Management====== =====ps===== * process listing command An example of a good general purpose process listing including a long formatted date-time of the start time of the command and the elapsed time since the process was started. ps -eo pid,lstart,etime,cmd:128 * List processes looking for specific process names. * Use a regex with a character class so that the grep command itself doesn't appear in the output of the //ps// command. ps -ef | grep -i "[f]oobar" * List process hierarchy (tree) ps -ejH =====disown===== * process termination When a process is started from a bash shell the process is a child of the shell and when the terminal session ends the child will be sent a signal that will result in the process being terminated. To prevent this the //bash// //disown -ha// command can be used to cause the child process to not receive the signal. As a result the process will remaining running after the terminal session ends. =====nohup===== ''nohup'' runs the specified program so that it will not receive a hang-up signal when the terminal exists. Therefore the program will continue running like a daemon. nohup python /path/to/script.py &