====== VS Code ====== ====== Keyboard Shortcuts ====== * [[https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf]] * ''Ctrl + shift + p'' or ''F1'', command palette * ''Ctrl + shift + f'', search for string across all files in currently opened folder * ''Ctrl + r'', open recently opened files/folders * ''Ctrl + shift + o'', go to symbol in current file (e.g. function) * ''Ctrl + t'', go to symbol in any file (e.g. function) * ''F12'', goto symbol definition of currently selected symbol * ''Shift + F12'', go to symbol references of currently selected symbol * ''Alt + '', move to previous position * ''Alt + '', move to next position * ''Ctrl + b'', open/close side panel * ''Ctrl + j'', open/close bottom panel * ''Ctrl + Shift + e'', open editor panel * ''Ctrl + Shift + g'', open Git panel * ''Alt + z'', toggle line wrap * ''Ctrl + `'', open terminal * ''Alt + Shift + F'', format/pretty print the entire document * ''Ctrl + K Ctrl F'', format/pretty print the selected text * ''Ctrl + /'', comment/uncomment selected text (block comment) * ''Ctrl + Shift + \'', jump to matching bracket * ''Alt + z'', wrap text * ''Ctrl + h'', find and replace * ''Ctrl + k, Ctrl + 0'', fold/collapse all blocks * ''Ctrl + k, Ctrl + j'', unfolder/expand all blocks ===== Customized Shortcuts ===== * Show/hide left sidebar, ''Alt + 1'' * Show/hide bottom panel, ''Alt + 4'' * Show/hide file explorer panel, ''Alt + 2'' * Show/hide file source control, ''Alt + 3'' ====== Settings ====== * Modify the setting ''editor.wordSeparators'' to change how words are recognized and selected ====== Debugging ====== ===== launch.json ===== ====== Extensions ====== * Insert Date String ===== File Properties Viewer ===== Shows file metadata like the path to the file. * [[https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=brunnerh.file-properties-viewer|File Properties Viewer]] * Bind to keyboard shortcut ''Alt + Shift + p'' ===== Background ===== Allows you to put an image in the background of the editor area for aesthetic purposes. * [[https://github.com/shalldie/vscode-background]] ===== GitLens ===== ===== Natizyskunk/SFTP ===== ===== JSON viewer ===== * [[https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ZainChen.json|JSON]] ===== Peacock ===== * Change chrome color of VSCode to help distinguish between workspaces