{{:wiki:dns_haiku.jpg?400|}} ======About====== //Whizzbang Tech Stuff// is a curated assortment of technology information. In other words, it's all manner of nifty bits of tech know-how, how-tos and general jackery for the taking. See the [[About]] page for more info or go to a random page. ====== Core IT ====== * [[Cheatsheets|Cheatsheets/TL;DR]] * [[networking|Networking]] * [[Data Manipulation]] * [[Security]] * [[Knowledge Resources]] * [[Software Testing]] * [[Databases]] * [[Logging]] * [[qnd:Microsoft Technologies]] ======System Administration====== * [[System Administration]] * [[Linux Administration]] * [[Windows Administration]] * [[Microsoft 365]] * [[Virtualization]] ======Cloud Computing====== * [[Amazon Web Services]] * [[Microsoft Azure]] * [[Steampipe]] ======Software Development/Programming====== * [[Software Development]] * [[Python]] * [[git]] * [[powershell|Powershell]] ======Miscellanea====== * [[https://github.com/mgupton|GitHub/mgupton]] * [[https://gist.github.com/mgupton|Github Gists]] * [[Data Integrations]] * [[Security]] * [[Implementations]] * [[Bash Scripting]] * [[Powershell]] * [[Markdown]] * [[qnd:Quick and Dirty]] * [[Terminals and Shells]] * [[Learning]] * [[Dokuwiki]] * [[Productivity Tools]] * [[cheatsheets]] ======Desktop Computing====== * [[Web Browsers]] * [[Windows Desktop]]