====== vi/vim ====== * {{:wiki:vim_cheat_sheet_for_programmers_screen.png?linkonly|Vim}} * {{ :wiki:vim_cheatsheet.pdf |Vim | Alt 1}} ====== Configuration Commands ====== * '':colo '', set the color scheme * '':colo'', to list color schemes and be able to select one * '':coloCtrl+d'', alternative to list color schemes ====== Info Commands ====== * ''Ctrl+g'' or '' Ctrl+g'' to display file name and path or full path ====== Sample Config ====== =====Configuration/.vimrc===== * ''~/.vimrc'' is the config file for Vim. colorscheme ron syntax enable set number set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab set smartcase " ignorecase ===== Basic ===== wget -O .vimrc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amix/vimrc/master/vimrcs/basic.vim