Table of Contents

Windows Administration (quick-n-dirty)

User Management

Get domain group membership info for specified user

net user USERNAME /domain

Windows Feature Installation



PS> $servers = ('server1', 'server2')
PS> foreach ($server in $servers) {Install-WindowsFeature -ConfigurationFilePath D:\ConfigurationFiles\ADCSConfigFile.xml -ComputerName $server}
PS> $servers = ('server1', 'server2')
Invoke-Command $nodes {Install-WindowsFeature Failover-Clustering -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools}

Create Reminders/Notifications

Example of using scheduled tasks that runs cmd.exe with the following arguments.

/c color /nobreak 2f&TITLE Day Log Reminder&ECHO.&ECHO.&ECHO It is currently %TIME% &ECHO.&ECHO.&ECHO Time to update Day Log &TIMEOUT 120