
Azure Security


  • The minimum ARM roles/permissions needed to do an Azure security assessment are Reader and Security Reader. The Global Reader role is needed on Azure AD.

In addition, a custom role with the following permission is needed for certain storage account checks.

    "Name": "Azure Assessor",
    "Description": "A role temporarily used to assess the security posture of an Azure tenant.",
    "AssignableScopes": [
        "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/<tenant id>"
    "Actions": [
    "NotActions": [],
    "DataActions": [],
    "NotDataActions": []

General Checks

  • Are endpoints hybrid domain joined?

Getting Inventory

Get list of all resources in the current subscription.

Get-AzResource | select Name,Type,ResourceGroupName,SubscriptionId | Export-Csv resources.csv


Best Practices

  • Automated/programmatic deployment/configuration is recommended over manual processes


  • azure/qnd/azure_security.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/11/08 14:41
  • by mgupton