General Bash-ery
Ctrl + a
, move to the beginning of the lineCtrl + e
, move to the end of the lineCtrl + k
, Cut the Line after the cursor to the clipboard.Ctrl + u
, Cut the Line before the cursor to the clipboard.Ctrl + y
, paste last value in clipboardMeta + y
, cycle through previous values in clipboard
Command Line History Search
Use Ctrl + r
to reverse search command history and Ctrl + s
to forward search. Esc
selects the current line and restores it to the active command line. Ctrl + g
cancels the history search without recalling a line to the active command line.
Add the following to the bashrc
to disable the flow control function of Ctrl + s
stty -ixon # enabled forward search with Ctrl+s by disabling XON/XOFF flow control
Command Line Editing
export EDITOR=/bin/vi
to make vi the default editorCtrl+x+e
to edit current command in default text editor.- Opens the current command line in the default editor. For
you can exit with:cq
to cancel the command. fc
, fixed command opens the last command in the editor
history -a
, append the current session history to the history filehistory -s <cmd line>
, save the specified command line to history without executing it. Alternatively, prefix a line with the comment character (#) and it will be saved to history as a comment.
Command Delimiter
Automatically run a command after every command ran in the shell that prints a line that includes the current time. It makes it easier to spot commands being ran when scrolling back in the terminal.
PROMPT_COMMAND='printf "\e[32m---------------------------$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)---------------------------\n\e[0m"'
Example output