
Scripts and Modules

Search for modules that contain a specified command.

Find-Command -Repository PSGallery -Name Connect-ExchangeOnline

Find modules in repo that match name. For example, the following finds modules with a name that begins with exchange.

Find-Module -Repository PSGAllery -Name Exchange*

Find modules that provide a specified command

Find-Command get-msolrole
Name                                Version    ModuleName                          Repository
----                                -------    ----------                          ----------
Get-MsolRole               MSOnline                            PSGallery

Find available modules with substring in name

Get-Module -ListAvailable | where {$_.Name -like "*exchange*"}


  • Save-Script - download script from repo and save to local system
  • powershell/qnd/scripts_and_modules.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/07/14 14:43
  • by mgupton