
Windows Logging (Slapdash)

<WRAP round info> This is a slapdash, slipshod, scattershot, quick-n-dirty, ephemeral article. </WRAP>


  • Windows Event Log
  • channels
  • publishers
  • providers
  • streams


Specific Events of Note

Listing Log Channels and Publishers

wevtutil el
wevtutil el | findstr /i <string value to match>
wevtutil gl System
Example Output
name: System
enabled: true
type: Admin
isolation: System
channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0007;;;SY)(A;;0x7;;;BA)(A;;0x3;;;BO)(A;;0x5;;;SO)(A;;0x1;;;IU)(A;;0x3;;;SU)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-3)(A;;0x2;;;S-1-5-33)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-32-573)
  logFileName: %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\System.evtx
  retention: false
  autoBackup: false
  maxSize: 20971520
  fileMax: 1
wevtutil ep
wevtutil gp <publisher name>
wevtutil <command> /r:<remote_computer_name> /u:<user_name> /p:<password> 
wevtutil el /r:<remote_computer_name> /u:<user_name> /p:<password> 

Event Queries

  • The following shows how to query Windows Event Log for events.
  • One way to get the XPath queries used by the /q option of wevtutil is to use the Windows Event Viewer GUI. By creating a filter and viewing the XML representation of the filter.

Query the last 5 logs from the Security log channel.

  • Using /rd:true option reads the most recent messages first (descending order).
wevtutil qe Security /c:5 /rd:true /f:text
wevtutil qe Security /c:5 /rd:true /f:text /r:<remote_computer_name> /u:<user_name> /p:<password>


wevtutil qe Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon /c:5 /rd:true /f:text
wevtutil qe System /q:"*[System [(EventID=7001)]]" /c:1 /rd:true /format:text
wevtutil qe System /q:"*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon']]]" /c:1 /rd:true /f:text
wevtutil qe Security /q:"*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing'] and Task=12544 and (EventID=4624)] and EventData[Data[@Name='LogonType']='2']]" /e:Events

Query the Microsoft/Windows/TaskScheduler sub-channel.

wevtutil qe Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational /c:5

Query for most recent failed login event 4625.

C:\Users\Administrator>wevtutil qe Security /q:"*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing'] and (EventID=4625)] and EventData[Data[@Name='LogonType']='2']]" /e:Events /rd:true /c:1 /format:text
wevtutil qe Security /q:"*[System [(EventID=4625)]]" /c:1 /rd:true /format:text
wevtutil qe System /q:"*[System [(EventID=7001)]]" /c:1 /rd:true /format:text

Query for logs in the Security channel from the Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon provider.

wevtutil qe System /q:"*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon']]]" /c:1 /rd:true /f:text
  Log Name: System
  Source: Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon
  Date: 2014-06-18T09:50:45.442
  Event ID: 7001
  Task: N/A
  Level: Information
  Opcode: Info
  Keyword: N/A
  User: S-1-5-18
User Logon Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program
c:\temp>wevtutil qe System /q:"*[System [(EventID=1074)]]" /c:1 /rd:true /format:text
  Log Name: System
  Source: USER32
  Date: 2015-02-04T07:23:47.000
  Event ID: 1074
  Task: N/A
  Level: Information
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic
  User: S-1-5-21-3226147087-3892606130-1661063148-5381
  User Name: ALERTLOGIC\mgupton
The process C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe (E5420_MGUPTON) has initiated the restart of computer E5420_MGUPTON on behalf of user ALERTLOGIC\mgupton for the following reason: No title for this reason could be found
 Reason Code: 0x500ff
 Shutdown Type: restart
c:\temp>wevtutil qe Security /q:"*[System [(EventID=4608)]]" /c:1 /rd:true /format:text
  Log Name: Security
  Source: Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
  Date: 2015-02-04T07:25:18.260
  Event ID: 4608
  Task: Security State Change
  Level: Information
  Opcode: Info
  Keyword: Audit Success
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
Windows is starting up.

This event is logged when LSASS.EXE starts and the auditing subsystem is initialized.


The Microsoft command line tool named wevtutil can also be used to get and set the Windows Event Log retention policy.

Set the log file size limit behaviour to overwrite oldest logs first using the following command.

wevtutil sl <Log Name> /r:false /ab:false

The following is an example of setting the Application log to overwrite the oldest logs first.

/r:false specifies that when the log reaches the maximum size new logs should overwrite the oldest logs.

/ab:false specifies that when the log reaches the maximum size the log should not be automatically backed up.

wevtutil sl Application /r:false /ab:false

Set the maximum log file size for the specified log stream.

wevtutil sl <Log Name> /ms:<MaxSizeInBytes>

The following example sets the maximum log file size for the Application stream to 60 MB.

wevtutil sl Application /ms:62914560

The following command displays the current configuration for the specified log stream.

wevtutil gl <Log Name>

Example for getting the configuration for the System log stream.

wevtutil gl System

Set log file max. size.

wevtutil sl <LogName> /ms:<MaxSizeInBytes>

A Provider is a source of events. A single provider can have multiple channels. A channel is a distinct data store for a collection of events.

c:\temp>wevtutil ep|findstr /i winlogon
c:\temp\wevtutil gp Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon
name: Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon
guid: dbe9b383-7cf3-4331-91cc-a3cb16a3b538
resourceFileName: C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe
messageFileName: C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe
message: 2415919105
    name: Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Diagnostic
    id: 16
    flags: 0
    name: Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Operational
    id: 17
    flags: 0
    name: System
    id: 8
    flags: 1
    message: 2415919106
--- snip ---
c:\temp>wevtutil gl Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Operational
name: Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Operational
enabled: true
type: Operational
owningPublisher: Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon
isolation: Application
channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0007;;;SY)(A;;0x7;;;BA)(A;;0x7;;;SO)(A;;0x3;;;IU)(A;;0x3;;;SU)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-3)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-33)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-32-573)
  logFileName: %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon%4Operational.evtx
  retention: false
  autoBackup: false
  maxSize: 1052672
  fileMax: 1
wevtutil epl application.evt application.evtx /lf:true

By querying the data as XML the EventRecordID is returned. This value represents the unique identifier of the event record. This ordinal value starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for every new log entry.

wevtutil qe System /c:1 /rd:true /f:xml

Windows Events/Logging

For each event record Windows has a unique record number. The name of this value may vary depending on how the event data is accessed. For example, in the Windows Event Viewer GUI the value is identified as EventRecordID.

  • channel, stream
  • provider, publisher

Tools, Technologies and Solutions



Windows Events

Windows 2003 Server

  • Logon/Logoff: Event ID 528
WFP/Windows Firewall Connection Accepted/Reject Messages
auditpol /set /subcategory:”Filtering Platform Connection” /success:disable /failure:disable
Windows Logon Auditing

In the gpedit.msc GUI:

Computer Confiuguration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Audit Policy.
auditpol /get /category:"logon/logoff"
auditpol /get /subcategory:"logon"
auditpol /set /subcategory:”logon” /success:enable /failure:enable


Writing events to the Event Log

The following is an example of using the write-eventlog Powershell cmdlet to write an log messages to the Application log stream.

Note the source must be a registered source.

 write-eventlog -logname Application -source Winlogon -eventID 3001 -entrytype Information -message "Test log message." -category 1 -rawdata 10,20
  • get-eventlog
Get-WinEvent -listlog *
Get-EventLog -list
reg query hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\eventlog

To Explore


Get audit policy categories and subcategories.

auditpol /list /subcategory:*
auditpol /get /subcategory:"Security Group Management"

The category Security Group Management controls whether user and group creation and modification activities are logged.

C:\Users\Administrator>auditpol /get /subcategory:"Security Group Management"
System audit policy
Category/Subcategory                      Setting
Account Management
  Security Group Management               Success and Failure
C:\Users\Administrator>auditpol /get /category:*
System audit policy
Category/Subcategory                      Setting
  Security System Extension               No Auditing
  System Integrity                        Success and Failure
  IPsec Driver                            No Auditing
  Other System Events                     Success and Failure
  Security State Change                   Success
  Logon                                   Success and Failure
  Logoff                                  Success
  Account Lockout                         Success
  IPsec Main Mode                         No Auditing
  IPsec Quick Mode                        No Auditing
  IPsec Extended Mode                     No Auditing
  Special Logon                           Success
  Other Logon/Logoff Events               No Auditing
  Network Policy Server                   Success and Failure
Object Access
  File System                             Success and Failure
  Registry                                Success and Failure
  Kernel Object                           Success and Failure
  SAM                                     Success and Failure
  Certification Services                  Success and Failure
  Application Generated                   Success and Failure
  Handle Manipulation                     Success and Failure
  File Share                              Success and Failure
  Filtering Platform Packet Drop          Success and Failure
  Filtering Platform Connection           No Auditing
  Other Object Access Events              Success and Failure
Privilege Use
  Sensitive Privilege Use                 No Auditing
  Non Sensitive Privilege Use             No Auditing
  Other Privilege Use Events              No Auditing
Detailed Tracking
  Process Termination                     No Auditing
  DPAPI Activity                          No Auditing
  RPC Events                              No Auditing
  Process Creation                        No Auditing
Policy Change
  Audit Policy Change                     Success
  Authentication Policy Change            Success
  Authorization Policy Change             No Auditing
  MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change         No Auditing
  Filtering Platform Policy Change        No Auditing
  Other Policy Change Events              No Auditing
Account Management
  User Account Management                 Success and Failure
  Computer Account Management             Success and Failure
  Security Group Management               Success and Failure
  Distribution Group Management           Success and Failure
  Application Group Management            Success and Failure
  Other Account Management Events         Success and Failure
DS Access
  Directory Service Changes               No Auditing
  Directory Service Replication           No Auditing
  Detailed Directory Service Replication  No Auditing
  Directory Service Access                Success
Account Logon
  Kerberos Service Ticket Operations      Success
  Other Account Logon Events              No Auditing
  Kerberos Authentication Service         Success
  Credential Validation                   Success


  • get-eventlog
  • get-winevent

The Index value is the uniqure record number for the event.

get-eventlog -log Security -newest 2
get-eventlog -log Security -newest 2 | where {$_.eventID -eq 4672} | format-list -property *

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName='Security'; ID=4672;} -MaxEvents 2 | format-list -property *

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName='Security'; ID=4672;} -MaxEvents 2 | format-list -property * | findstr -i recordid
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -command "Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName='Security'; ID=4634; StartTime='12/1/14 15:28:35'; EndTime='12/1/14 15:28:35'} -MaxEvents 2 | format-list -property *"

WMI/VB Script scripts for event log access

Get metadata for the specified log channel.

strComputer = "."
strChannel = "Security"

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Security)}!\\" & _
        strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile " _
        & "Where LogFileName='" & strChannel & "'")
    Wscript.Echo "Metadata for log channel " & strChannel & "."
For Each objLogFile in colLogFiles
    Wscript.Echo "Number of records: " & objLogFile.NumberOfRecords
    Wscript.Echo "Maximum log file size: " _
    &  objLogfile.MaxFileSize
	Wscript.Echo "Log filename: " & objLogFile.Drive & objLogFile.Path & objLogFile.LogfileName & "." & objLogFile.Extension

Get the number of records (events) in the specified log channel.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
    & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile " _
    & "Where LogFileName='System'")
For Each objLogFile in colLogFiles
    Wscript.Echo objLogFile.NumberOfRecords


List log providers and GUID values.

logman query providers


Windows Object Auditing

  • slapdash/windows_logging.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/03/21 16:41
  • by mgupton